Engine STC for 14-19 found


New member
Some 14-19 owners (myself included) have been looking for an STC to replace the O-435 with an engine for which parts are more available.

I was e-mailing with Larry Quinton, who was advertising some 14-19 cowling and O435 engine parts, and he mentioned that the reason that he had the extra parts was because he had installed a Continental IO470 on the plane. Larry also sent a profile view photo of the plane after the conversion, and it looks pretty good - a little longer, sleeker look than the standard -19 cowl.

The conversion was done by XU Aviation in London, Ontario to an STC owned by Northeastern Engineering in Bolton, Ontario. Everything firewall forward is replaced, including new cowling, engine, and prop.

I contacted Northeastern Engineering at http://www.northeastern-engineering.com to see if they were interested in providing the STC to other interested 14-19 pilots and, since it was a Canadian STC, if it would be accepted by the FAA.

The response that I got was that they were willing to sell the STC, but they didn't keep the parts for it. All necessary parts are defined in the STC or Northeastern Engineering would fabricate a batch of parts for several orders. Without parts, the cost of the STC is $4000 US per aircraft. They can get FAA approval as well.

The Northeastern site has a photo of the engine installation on Larry' plane, without cowling, in their gallery of projects.

I thought I would pass the information along to other interested -19 owners.

David York

Here is the correct link.


The aircraft that I have N6RJ, has the IO470 one time STC that was completed by Roland Joslyn. It might be possible to use some of the info from this this stc. It was completed using the front end off of a 14-19-3, using the -3 mount with the nose gear legs cut off. If and thats a big If, with the consultation with your local FAA office it is possible to get a field approval for your bird using an IO 470 , and supporting documentation that has been used before.

call me sometime.

Dan Schultz
937-603-2459 cell
937-667-8751 home
Man, check all the working room between the engine and the firewall. My -2 OPEC 470 is butt up against the firewall.
This suggests to me that this installation is very nose heavy on an already nose heavy airplane. I would like to know what kind of CG range this has, The three blade prop distracts from the planes looks, so does 30 more horses justify this or do you need the 30 more to keep the nose up? :roll: Lynn N9818B
HMMM, I wonder what it would take to replace the O-470K with an IO-470 in a 14-19-2. I'm coming up on overhaul and it would be nice to be a little more efficient.
The OPEC -470k is eligible for conversion to Fuel Injection and after this it is 260hp and now a O-470-KCI. I never followed up on this as money was flowing just to keep the crate airborne! Light Plane Maintenance gives a great rundown of the OPEC 470 in July 1996 and April 2002 issues. 230 hp gets me where I'm going at 12 and above gallons an hour Hence OPEC engine. It's not cheap to have fun in this ship, but it is only money and soon your time runs out----so enjoy it while you can. Still have not started the recover till I hit Bingo fuel. Lynn N9818B :)
If anyone is sstill rading this thread.....I got an email from the engineer at Northeast Engineering. There is a whopping 50lb of lead in the tail! They now want $5500 for the existing STC certified in the US or $8500 for STC using firewall forward (short mount) from a -3 or 3A.

Sherman Oxford, 6567N(14-19), and 8805R(14-19-3)
I stopped reading at the first post because the nose is not longer, nor is it sleeker on the -2. Clearly the poster was delusional and could not be trusted :mrgreen:

In fairness, the -2 cowl is more efficient, and looks nice with that chrome trim...oh wait, the -2 doesn't have chrome trim. It also doesn't suffer that smiling metal front grill, much less that enormous spinner. Nope, a -2 nose looks arrogant from the front, the way aircraft should be. The -2 owner is also spared an obsolete metal door. No sir, it has a FIBERGLASS door, nice and modern, plus a FIBERGLASS panel that would look really cool...were it not for those signs of the weave at the edges. And they were made by the Downer Aircraft Corporation - a wonderful name for an airplane manufacturer I think - rather than by Bellanca, and all those annoying Italian wood workers. Heck, I bet some of those guys didn't even speak ENGLISH...damned immigrants and their multiple generations of craftsmanship going back 1000 years. This is AMERICA after all. Until those ginzos learn English and end their sentences with, "eh?" we don't want them building OUR airplanes do we?

The 14-19 owner should convert. But let's not settle on some wimpy engine you'd find in a Cessna 182. Nope, stick a TSIO 550 up front! It has the POWER to handle the 100-200 pounds of lead you'd need in the tail. Just climb to 25k, stare down on the later day factory with the Bellanca name, located in a state people inhabit for no conceivable reason, pull off your oxygen mask for just a second, and scream "Manga m'gatz!" GMB knew what that charming phrase means in the language of his birth. Pity nobody in the state of Minnesota would. I don't think they allow Italians into that state. They do allow Italian aircraft designs in, though they rename them for savage barbarians who nearly destroyed Western Civilization.

And if ANYONE takes the post above seriously, I will have to stooge slap them...sorry, but I will. Don't make me come over there!

Returning to our actual subject,

Sherman - I thought you had your 14-19 up for sale. True? Or are you planning to make a Frankin-Master out of it by putting the -3 nose on the 14-19 body?

On the subject of conversion, has anyone with a -2 that was looking to install an I0-470 ever considered converting your 0-470 to an 0-520, as done in the cessna's. INstead of having to change the fuel system and carb and air box etc, etc, etc, the cylinders are swapped out to 520 jugs (with some simple machine work) and you have a normally aspirated 520. No hot start problems, no other cowling or fuel mods and they say 270-275 Hp depending on cylinders. The cessna 180 guys I have talked to Love it. If your up for major, the cost is the same except for that piece of paper we need. Brian
Brian, This is the " P-Ponk " O-470-50 conversion. It's done up here at Camano Island, in WA. I'm thinking of it, if I ever get around to my -2 project. Dan
DAN, P-ponk had also done the ones that I had seen and I have spoken with them years ago. I will stay in touch with you when my time comes for OH, what do you think the paperwork process will be like. The airframe is already had a 260 hp on the front, so what other items are of concern to the Faa, since there is no fuel system change and no real weight change or CG change. It seems like a no brainer for some real Hp gain. If they really have a problem with it maybe you could just leave the rpm red line low to leave the Hp at 260??? Just thinking outloud, don't know if that even matters. But fun to talk about. Climb rate in a very light bird would be very fun
Years ago at a Bellanca Low Wing forum at Oshkosh, the guy who did a one time STC to a 260 HP engine on a 14-19 (sorry, I forget his name), talked about his experiences in getting it certified with the FAA. Basically, he had a whole car trunk full of documentation before it was finally approved.

One item that surprised me was that they had to run noise comparison tests for the EPA. Apparently, the new installation could be no louder than the old installation.

Dave York

I have a 14-19-2 project plane as well as another 14-19, besides the one up for sale (knee deep in the things). Don't know what a "Frankin-Master" is?
After talking with the Canadian engineer today, I'm not so sure that their STC is any easier than starting from scratch here in the US. For $8500 theirs would be a one-time STC for my airplane. Anyone out there have a O470K they want to trade for a IO47F (engine from a -3)?

Frankenstein...you know, Sherman...head from one body, body from another...well...you get the idea. Would have made more sense if I'd said Frankenmaster or something :)