Evolution of Seat Design


When I purchased the 14-19-3 the PO told me that the front seats were from a Viking. They are low-back seats that simply pivot forward on what looks to be a long rod. I also have the original -3 seats which don’t look a lot different although I haven’t really examined them closely. Does anyone know what changes were made in the seat design over the years between the 14-19-3 and the early Vikings? And BTW, what are the steps to remove the seats – does that hinge pin come out or is there some part of the seat track that I need to remove? Any feedback is greatly appreciated… Rob
I don't know anything about the design switchover. My -3 has the bucket seats with the short back. Anyway, removing theoretically should just be pull the seat adjust lever all the way back and slide the seat forward until the wheels leave the track. Catch the wheels as they attempt to hide in the deep corners of the airplane belly. Then wiggle the seat around until you find the one position that the seat can be in to allow the rear wheels to escape the track and find the belly of the airplane. As far as I can tell, this position changes every time I pull the seats. Either due to design or poor maintenance and age, I find it easier to remove the seat adjust lever and then pull the seat, otherwise I have trouble getting the pins far enough retracted to let the rear wheels by. There may be a pin / cotter pin on the inboard rail of each chair right behind the forward spar tube to keep the seat from coming out of the track during adjustment. If you have one, you'll need to remove the pin. If you don't, consider adding one (it was apparently in the -3 drawings but the factory didn't seem to drill them on a bunch of birds, at least according to Alexandria when I called about it a couple years ago. Having someone adjust the seat forward out of the track, allowing the wheels to find the belly, right before a flight sucks. Ask me how I know ;).
Brian, what great feedback and detailed instructions - thank you!!! You mention "the -3 drawings"... I am pleased to hear a reference to this. I have been trying to find out if engineering drawings actually exist for our model. Do you know of anyone other than the factory that has the drawings? I would sure love to have a set. By the way, did you find a source for re-chroming your gear strut? I have been researching and posting my findings in the other thread. Thanks again... Rob
I don't know of any drawings other than the set the factory obviously has. I'd love to have a set of drawings, obviously, but I doubt that will be possible unless the TC is abandoned at some point.

My nose gear is currently at Aerospace Coatings, who said they could do the repair. I'll update the thread when I have the part back.
!4-19-3 seats have a different adjustment system than the Vikings I have seen. The -3 has the levers on the outboard side of the seats (against the cabin liner) and you pull them up to release the seat. The Vikings have a pull knob just under the front center of the seat that you pull forward to get the seat loose. I dont remember if you could easily modify the Viking seat to fit the rails of the _3. I sold a set of -3 seats to a fellow that had broken seat frames in the plane he bought. I dont know if that is a common problem or not. One of our Cruisair guys (maybe Gary?) managed to get a 337 to put bucket seats in his Cruisair. I dont recall if they were -3 seats or Viking. ____Grant.