exhaust manifold retainers

Brendan Carmody

New member
The exhaust manifold on the port side of my 180 hp Franklin is loose. My mechanic says there are fittings that hold the exhaust manifolds in each cylinder head. The ones in my engine are rusted and need replacing -- especially the one on the rearmost port cylinder head.

Any ideas about sourcing the fittings?
hey brendan!
try rick hoffman at carl baker company: 541-617-0788
bruce kown at classic aero: 770-386-7435
eddie stewart at 580-788-4419
susan prall at A-1 services: 903-626-5115
don maxfield at lil' red aero: 308-234-1635

these are all the "usual suspects" that i'm aware of.
btw, i would advise staying very far away from anyone named skaggs, leamy or askeland. all these characters have "history". if you need more info, contact me offline.
blue skies,
vic & N522A
How difficult is it to replace the studs that hold the exhaust flange to the cyllinder on Franklins? Mine are very rusty and the cyllinders are all off at this time.
I'll follow up on the recommendations and post the results. Thanks for the leads.

By the by, I have no idea how difficult it might be to replace the studs that hold the exhaust manifolds. Maybe some else can help?
Replacing the studs can be a real can of worms! BE PREPARED SCOUT'S MOTTO Ist have all the studs including some oversize. Spray and soak the stud nuts and studs with Kroil or other penatrate for 24 hrs. Start by double nutting the stud to see if it will walk out. Try and I do mean try not to snap the stud. There will be some that will not walk. Now you need a stud remover Snap-On makes a good one that acts like a collet and will walk most studs out. You may need a Mapp torch to heat the flange, you may need a drill and easy out, you may need some help! Keep soaking and working the studs. Do not snap an easy out in a broken stud!!! Take your time swear alot and be careful, I've taken 3 days to do a 4 cyl Cont. and 2 days for some Lycs. Keep soaking and keep swearing they will finally walk! Been there LYNN N9818B :twisted:
Bruce or Susan has new stainless steel exhaust stacks for your 180 hp engine. You may have severe erosion on the exhaust ports and may need welding and remachning, Call Bruce we worked some over a few weeks ago at his place. The exhaust studs are not easy to get out. probably the best method is to weld a nut to the stud and then get on it after hitting it a few times with a hammer to loosen it up. You still may have to drill it after you break it off. This cylinder work is not as easy as everyone thinks. After a few hundred cylinders I have overhauled I really haven't seen any real easy ones to do when you fix every thing right. Greg........