Faulty Oil Temp??


New member
I am a little perplexed. Okay, '70 Citabria 7ECA w/ 0-235-C1. 1650 TT E&A. Had what I am pretty sure was a dead Scott Oil Temp guage. Replaced it with the same. Worked fine for about 2 months or so although never got above 150 degrees. (Probably more because of Alaska in the winter). Then dead again. Well, it has worked very intermittently. I am kinda scared of it. The only thing I can think of is pulling the oil screen and seeing what if anything is in there. Anybody have any similiar experiances or input here??? Thanks very much in advance, as I really have no idea what is going on!
- Tony
I have had a few that acted that way, three to be exact in the last 2 years. One wasn't even close on the calibration. You should be checking the calibration before installing. Seems there quality control is non existent. Funny how all the cheap non certified gauges never seem to have a problem isn't it.
I think Univair has the original SW gauges, mine is very reliable, I think original 1975. Bill Becker
I have a 79 gcbc. When my original SW temp gauge reads 140 it is actually 185 . I had my AP check the oil temperarture with a laser and two different dip stick temp probes. I am looking for a replacement if any one knows of a good choice.