Finally having to part with the bird

I took a new job in Texas last month, and I think I'm going to sell my 14-13-2 that is still based in Wyoming. I would like to purchase a home, and this is an obvious source of a down payment. It's sad, but I got quite a few good hours out of "ole woody". If anyone knows of interested parties looking for a solid 47 cruisair, *** moved to Fly Market *** ...leave me a post so I can let the crying begin. Thanks a million.

Merritt Marquiss :(
Why sell ? Here in TEXAS they have a lot of finance company's that will do 100% finance with a low interest rate. Try to keep your's. There are a number of residential airports around that may fit your budget. We have bought a lot at an airport called Hicks field and plane on building a hanger with an apartment inside. There are approximitly 60 family's doing the same thing now at Hicks. good luck :lol: :lol: :lol:
M&M> Houses are made of wood too! I think you will be very sorry later on after your move if you sell your crate. Don't worry even a new house will keep you more than busy. Then where you going to run when you have no plane? Think about it! LYNN N9818B :evil:
thanks for the words fellas. I'm thinking about it pretty hard, but it just seems like the schedule, finances, and that pesky west texas 40mph wind just aren't very condusive to my flying bug right now. At this point I'd be better off buying an old champ for flying in the evenings and putting the rest towards home sweet home. I used the cruisair pretty hard for x-c flying, but now time permits only occasional here and there. I know I'll wish I had not, but I don't forsee being able to keep it and afford a house too. I hate debt. It all depends on what sort of house we settle on, but the bird is still for sale, buyer be warned, I will perform a pre-buyer inspection, and first rights if you ever decide to sell it. :wink:
I almost sold my project, but where in the wide world of sports am I going to find another plane that does so much so well for this price? My resolution is solid. It's MY airplane!

One thing- you could find yourself a Cruisair project to rebuild while flying your Champ. Lord knows there are some birds out there in need of a knowledgeable ex-owner to revive them. 8)

Can you give me a call at )256) 508-1558? If I heard right, you have Cleveland brakes on your bird. I'd like to do the same to mine :D

Take care,