fine wire plugs


New member
i changed the oil in my cruisemaster and my rv over the weekend, i have put 50 hours on the bellanca since this summer when i brought it home. i have most of the major kinks out, it's not leaking anything right now. i did notice that one of the heat shields on the intake maniford connection hoses was missing, so i made a new one and put it on. other than that, everythings ok. the filter was clean, some carbon, that's about it. it's loaded up with 80w for the "winter" (we don't have real winter here, just ersatz winter".

you have to take the lower cowl off the rv8 to change the oil, so while it was off i pulled the spark plugs to see what they were looking like. i have always used massive plugs and they were fine, a fine light grey color. they are very dependable and unless you drop them they last forever. but a friend gave me some fine wire plugs. i bench tested (for resistance) and bomb tested them and 5 or 6 tested good, so i put 4 of them on the rv to see if i could tell any difference.

i may be imagining things, but i think they do. i put them on the shower of sparks mag, and i believe it really starts better. i flew it around a little bit this afternoon, and i believe the motor is making more power. it sure feels different. its an o-360 lyc, and they are pretty shakey, and it still is, but it felt a little smoother. not smooth, just smoother. i had pretty full tanks but when i took off it seemed more powerful.

i was wondering if it was just that it sounded and felt "different", or if there really is a difference. the fine wire plugs are 38's, not 40's, so they should be a little cooler and i might have more lead buildup, but that's no big deal.

what is the consensus of the forum. honest, i'm not trolling trying to start a war. i just never flew an airplane with them before, that i know of.

i probably won't actually buy any, but it would be an interesting experiment to actually try to come up with some "real" numbers. unless i win the next mega millions lottery. but for that i would have to buy a ticket.

Bob, I have had similar questions about fine wire plugs. Of course it's easy to get many, many different opinions on various forums from "aviation experts". I decided to contact the Tempest factory and had a very interesting conversation with one of their engineers. He really made a good case for the fine wire plugs. Furthermore I believe there is a consensus that fine wire plugs make for easier starts as you mention. Frank (over on the Viking forum) has offered a firsthand testimony about his success with the fine wires. Keep us posted on your evaluation. --Rob
There are fairly competent evaluations over on the Mooney forum of guys who flew 50 hours with normal plugs and 50 hours with fine wires.
The consensus was 1-3 knots speed increase at same fuel flow and longer lasting plugs.
They calculated that the increased cost is paid off with less plug replacement within 1200 hours.
mooney guys are just a bunch of hot air. they always claim their aiplanes are faster than they are and run on less gas than they do. i ought to know, i used to be one. m20g. it was slow, but i loved that plane anyway. and lied about it.

Ram aircraft also seems to be a fan, outside of Mooney motors:
Bob, good to know you have an active sense of humor! But... if we could get ten aircraft owners together maybe we could go directly to Tempest and get a "type club discount". These guys have been a generous supporter, donating a raffle prize for our West Coast fly-ins.