fixing cowling on a super Decathlon


New member
Has anyone upgraded the cowling on a 1979 SuperDecathlon from 1/4 turn fasteners to screws like in the late model ones?/ also fixing the small hairline cracks?
My '70 has screws, but I like the quarter turns better. Why would screws be an 'upgrade?' The hairline cracks in mine are a method of construction issue on mine, too much filler over the glass. I'm sanding mine down right now and then using very light fiberglass cloth to cover the cracks, then resanding, a tiny bit of fill and paint. Might work, I'll let you know.
thanks for the Information. The slide clips with the quarter turn screws are tearing the cowl up.

Mine uses tinnerman clips with the screws, and they tear my bottom cowl up as well. Don't know if the new ones are any different or not?
When I rebuilt my 1975 8KCAB I installed10-32 clip nuts and countersunk screws and tinnerman washers.
That was 13 years ago and I have had no cowl problems since.
The problem with 1/4 turn fasteners are 2 things: 1. you cannot accurately torque the fastener as you can with a screw.
2. you loosen all the 1/4 turn fasteners and they still hang up in the bottom cowl making it almost a 2 person job to remove the top cowl.
Bill B