Bought a share of a Decathlon last fall, and it's in for annual right now. The cover is original from 1978, always hangared. The dope is looking pretty hideous on the belly of the fuselage. There are 3 or 4 dinner-plate sized areas where it was so bad that the A&P just flaked the whole area down to bare fabric. The fabric on the belly is oil-soaked too, which I assume makes it impossible to repaint the area (?).
We just took a hit in the wallet for a new engine and prop, courtesy of a prop strike during a tailwheel endorsement. We're not necessarily in the mood to be signing up for more major work and downtime, unless it's inescapable. What's the minimum repair work we can get away with to keep the aircraft flyable? What's the minimum advisable repair work to keep the aircraft decent?
If we do decide to recover the fuselage, how much time and money are we looking at?
We just took a hit in the wallet for a new engine and prop, courtesy of a prop strike during a tailwheel endorsement. We're not necessarily in the mood to be signing up for more major work and downtime, unless it's inescapable. What's the minimum repair work we can get away with to keep the aircraft flyable? What's the minimum advisable repair work to keep the aircraft decent?
If we do decide to recover the fuselage, how much time and money are we looking at?