Flying Adventures


New member
Being new to this site, I thought it would be interesting to contribute a section of the forum dedicated to flying adventures. A running log of recent flight experiences and general fun with aircraft. For example, this weekend I put some hours on 8841R. I took off with a crystal clear forcast from Brainerd, MN. The one thing that concerned me was the dew point spread, taking note that the current temp was -23 C and the due point was -29C, a typical day for this area. I headed to Grand Rapids for a funeral, a fellow pilot battled with cancer for many years and passed away. On the way back the weather went to crap and I was stuck in a snow storm with 8841R, visibility was down to a mile max. I was 20 miles from BRD and quick called center for a special, with the special granted we grabbed onto a power line that I knew headed from GPZ to BRD. It is amazing how visible the powerline cuts are in poor visibility. Options were open, we could jump ontop of the snow or stick with it and do a circle to land at BRD. We made it to BRD flying the powerline and the mighty Mississippi in perfect safety. I sure am glad that I installed a Garmin 430 in my bird, what a usefull tool. So for now, there is my story from this particular weekend. More adventures with 8841R soon to come.
hahahahaha, I can see how that would sound strange. I was so excited to see the powerline through the snow that I made a right turn and flew it visualy. Either way you looked at it, it made my hair stand on end.