Flying with the side window open


New member
Does anyone fly with the side window open. I have a 8KCAB and its not on my check list saying you can leave it open.
8KCAB side window is good to 130 mph. It has that scissor bracket to limit travel.

Other models can do full open to 90 mph, or the same restricted 130 as the 8KCAB
I have the full-opening upgrade on my Citabria. Opened the window at 70 mph to take some pictures and a veritable hurricane went through the cabin. No damage, but be prepared.
I have the full opening window on my 7ECA and have had no trouble opening the window at 100 mph for photography.
There's an STC offered by the National Aeronca Assocation that allows you go 100mph with the door off.
I've got the STC for flying with the door off. Its great if you're up front, wicked windy for your passenger, maybe un-enjoyable for a passenger.
I have the super old style slider window on the left, which I really enjoy in warmer weather and for pictures.

I would have to say I prefer it to the tip out style.
Yes, I regularly fly on hot days with the window open. Mind you, this is not the full open window option but rather the limited opening window with the scissor hinge. Very comfortable and refreshing breeze when open.
The POH shows that there should be a placard in the cockpit with regard to the side window stating: Do Not Open Above 130 MPH.
I agree the sliding windows are great in hot weather. Mine are open more than closed. I have also flown mine without the door.

My first ever flight in a Champ was with no left side (the sliding set) windows at all.
