For those who like backcountry flying.


New member
I know many of you are like me and enjoy backcountry flying to unpaved and even undeveloped strips. There is a great site for discussing techniques for this type of flying at I seem to be one of the only Citabria pilots utilizing that site now and I know more of you would have value to give and get there.

Joe in MT.

P.S. I checked with Robert (our moderator) before posting this and got his ok first.
I check that site daily also. Good site with some good info. There was a recent post that listed survival gear carried while flying. Excellent list, actually I saved it in my favorites and will add/delete for my own use.

PS. I love bowhunting also!! And I fly a 7AC/CCM powered by an 0-235. :)

I also saved the website on the post about survival gear. I particularly liked the idea of building your survival kit into a fishing-type vest so that you can wear it while flying and not have to go looking for it in the event of an accident. I am in the process of putting one together with one of my old fishing vests.

Great minds think alike. Well at least minds anyways....mine probably isn't so great! LOL

That has been my thinking also. Been looking at different vests, I have a military vest, and thinking of the stearns floatation type also.
Nice web site ,But what about real bush pilots ,and flying!!! Nice grass stips, how bout water and 200ft grvl bar.
The kit I put together for MY use always contains a firearm. I live in the boonies of Northern MN and there is a lot of wilderness around here. But actually it isn't that far from any civilization.
My survival kit does not, but I do occassionally take one with me when flying over the mountains for any extended period. It's a pistol, so I am not sure what good it does me, since I can't hit anything with it anyway.