Forum pictures


New member
How do I share pictures on the forum? I would love to keep everyone posted on my progress and also include pics of parts that I have fr those that are in need, and also illustrate what I need in the way of parts. Hope someone can help.

Thanks all.


The following is from the forum FAQ link:

Why can’t I add attachments?
Attachment permissions are granted on a per forum, per group, or per user basis. The board administrator may not have allowed attachments to be added for the specific forum you are posting in, or perhaps only certain groups can post attachments. Contact the board administrator if you are unsure about why you are unable to add attachments.

Can I post images?
Yes, images can be shown in your posts. If the administrator has allowed attachments, you may be able to upload the image to the board. Otherwise, you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor images stored behind authentication mechanisms, e.g. hotmail or yahoo mailboxes, password protected sites, etc. To display the image use the BBCode tag.

Looks like you need to get permission from R. Szego.
Any user with Club Member privileges (bright blue username) can post pictures; just click on the "Upload attachments" tab on the bottom and follow your nose. Not as simple as I would like, but we did not write this software