Franklin fuel pump


New member
Fixed an oil leak behind the fuel pump and now have fuel stains under the pump. The mechanic thinks that I might need a new pump. Any ideas where to get one? Thanks, Richard p.s. It's a 165
Hi Kev,
I am no expert here, but I purchased an overhaul kit for my fuel pump which replaced all the seals, diaphram and non return valves. I purchased is from the Bellanca Club, probably 15 years ago. I also found the same pump was used on many cars of the late Forties and I could purchase the same overhaul kit from a good carburettor shop. Just be careful with the overhaul because if the pump doesn't seal fully your fuel pressure will fluctuate during flight due to it sucking air into the fuel system which is very disconcerting!!!
This may be all you need.
Hope this helps

I was monkeying with the plane yesterday trying to find where the fuel was coming from. Found the bolts that hold the dome that is over the diaphram were kind of loose and tightened them , no effect. Then noticed staining around the small nut on the top of the dome and though safety wired, it too was loose. Tightened it but still leaks, tried some RTV on it and will see after it sets up over night. The pump produces good pressure so I think I should be able to use it if I can fix the leak. Hopefully there isn't a crack somewhere. Thanks, Richard
I would not call sealing with RTV fixing it. Bernie is correct that these are simple pumps and overhaul kits are available. Greg has the kits and I was just going to get one from him but he installed the kt for some crazy low labor price and checked and honed the surface to make sure they were flat. From the sound of those leaks you have I would think your diaphragm is cracked. Take the dome off and look at it. It is possible to have fuel in the oil with a crack in the diaphragm.

He does read the list but here is his info.

C.G. Lucas Co.
(405) 268-3925
221 N. Pecan Street
Pauls Valley, OK 73075

Jeez, I should have realized cglucas was the guy you were talking about. Should have used my own name like that for my username instead of the brands of my motorcyles. Thanks, Richard