Franklin Gaskets


New member
I have an oil leak in the back of my engine, probably from the magneto gaskets. Does anyone here know a good source for the rear engine gaskets: magneto, generator, and starter gaskets?

Unless you like a lot of entertainment, make sure you know where your leak is first. Really clean the whole area. Go fly for 20 minutes. Can you see oil? If not, use a turkey baster to suck up a blow a LITTLE flour dust in the suspect areas. If you have a leak, this will show where. As Kevin said, mag gaskets are easy. Never throw away any Franklin parts. I've made my own gaskets for years. Use a bad gasket as a pattern. Save patterns, pressed flat, for the future. How do you think I get Ken Royce, Wright or OX-5 gaskets?????????????
Beware of the leaky tach drive! The little buggers are out of site/out of mind,and have an O ring that wears,or the shaft can wear.I like the idea of flour and a turkey baster.That makes more sense than those automotive oil additives that glow under a black light. Who knows how those react with the additives already in aviation oil. Grant.
Ditto on the Tach Drive! I got my ass kicked on a Navion and sure enough that old E-225 the leak was the tach drive. Lynn the crate :D
On my Navion I got so tired of the tach drive leaking that I put in a Horizon electronic tach.

Lynn, I don't think anyone who's wrenched on airplane for more than a year or two hasn't had their butt kicked by a problem. I doubt you originally used the term 'bottom' HA HA.
Hey, got a little leak in the back of my Franky too, not the gasket. Changed it. coming from the starter I think. No fun, won't come out if I dont undo the engine from the mounts. :evil:
It's the seal on the shaft and it will stay like this for a while because it's a very little leak. Before it was leaking big time. It was the crankcase cover. leak was on top in the back, would follow the accessory panel and leak in the back, I was sure it was coming from the starter gasket.
But when I changed this crankcase cover gasket it for a new one Sue sent me from Franklin Texas, a nice orange silicone one, then zit. very little leak. Did this cover and valve cover. Next leak to fix, push rod tube. In the fall or spring.
You know what htey say about these engines? a Happy Franklin is a wet concern when it' gets dry, you might be out of oil... :wink: Just get used to wipe the belly.
Oh yes, The vent hose too, it's the original flexible metal one and it's wet all the way from top to bottom. It swet. I feel like changing it for a rubber one. It Never ends. :roll:
I beg to differ. A Franklin should'nt be a leaker - anymore than a comparable Continental or Lycoming. The problem is that people are using NOS gaskets that are 50-60 years old. The top cover can leak because inept owners and mechs overtorque the attaching cap screws, causing the cover to crack and leak. There is a torque range published in the ACM. manual. Reach up underneath the cylinders and grasp each pushrod housing between a thumb and forefinger. Try to rotate the housing. If you can do this, your packings are old and hard and probably leaking. Dan