Franklin specific parts


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Hey guys just letting you know if you haven't been on the Yahoo Stinson site there are several different people working together to make parts for the Franklin generator drive pucks and, mag drive pucks, alternators and hubs. That is great news to all of us orfan owners. You can either go to the Yahoo site or contact me for their information.
I now have all of the parts that I talked about in hand and they are really nice. I bought and alternator and front seal kit for my Cruiseair...Greg
So, Greg, give me a ballpark number of how much it will cost me to put an alternator on my 150 hsp Franklin. I only have a 25 amp generator and I hear that is a little weak.
The alternator alone costs $695.00 with new hub, absosrber and gear $950.00. With supporting paper work to help get it approved. I almost have your fuel pump done....Greg
Cg or Dan, what is a good sparkplug for Franklin 165 hp in a Stinson? Lynn the crate :?: :?:
Lynn, I think the current production Champion REJ-38 is very satisfactory. If you can find them, the BG 707SR is one of my favorites. The Champion C10S is available and fairly cheap, but are hard pressed to last more than 100 hours. Those are my thoughts...........Dan
Thanks for this discussion have just been trying to find new spark plugs at a resonable cost the REJ-38 are listed at $46 each, is this reasonable? Sounds like a lot to me but maybe thats what you gotta pay. Any other suggestions?
Bernie, Is that $46 figure in Australia? That is double what it is here. Even with freight, I think we can do a lot better. Fresno Airparts has the C10S for 7.95 and you can find them on EBay, as well. Dan
There are a lots of aviation parts I don't buy at "Spruce" and spruce and sparkplugs are among those items. I bought my last REJ38s out of TAP about a year ago at $18..........and thought that was a ripoff. Go to Fresno Airparts on page 2 of TAP and get brand new Champion C10S plugs for $7.95. They will last about a 100 hours, vs 300-400 for the REJs. So go figure. These are ancient plugs that date back to the big "War" that Bernie's and our forefathers fought alongside in the South Pacific. They work and are approved.....just don't last as long. BTW........these plugs sold at surplus, after the big lots for $.02/ea. So much for history. Dan
When I bought mine 3 years ago I could not find them any cheaper. I guess I better look harder next time.

Bernie, Check with all your antiquer friends "down under" for any buys on the plugs we mentioned. If you can't find anything in the next week, I'll order up a dozen C10S plugs for you and send them with a friend headed to Melbourne on December 4. He is flying on a firefighting contract in Sikorsky Skycranes out of Melbourne for your "fire season." I don't know what plugs you had; but with a cleaning and gapping, they may be satisfactory as well. Let me know.....Dan
No one down here sells 14 mm aircraft spark plugs, unfortunately, we have very few aircraft which use them. I have a resonable set in the engine at the moment but would like to put some new ones in when I finish the rebuild. If you wouldn't mind getting a set I will send you the money. We all love the Sikorsky Skycranes they have saved our bacon many times!!Those guys really know how to fly them as well. They are stationed at Essendon Airport about 30 minute drive from my place.
OK, clean and gap what you have. I'll order a set of C10S plugs for you. These will keep you going after your other set gives out. Dan
As a reminder to all............Aircooled Motors, "Franklin," specified 180-240 inch/pounds of torque for the 14mm sparkplugs. I have always used 200 in/#. If you farm out your maintenance to others, remind them of this fact. If you use the value for 18mm plugs on the Franklin, you risk stripping the threads in the cylinder head. Dan
What's TAP Dan, is this a store for aircraft parts? can we order from there? I wouldn't mind a set of REJ38s
