Franklin stuff


New member
Well I sold all of my Franklin parts this last week to Robert Still. He is running a business called Southern Aero, LLC in Thomasville, NC. 99 percent of the parts went out this last weekend. The engines I have here and taken deposit on will be finished in the next month or so. Robert has very good support in this venture and I am confident he will carry on in a very professional manner. He worked at my shop and we assembled several engines and went over all the trade secrets. He has my number to call any time he needs my assistance. His contact numbers are shop 336-687-9094 and cell 336-687-6158. Robert is young and energetic and ready to take on the world of Franklins. As many of you know I suffered the loss of my only son just over a month ago. This is the time for me to walk away from the Franklin world and try to figure out what to do with my life. This whole episode has made me look at life a great deal differently. I appreciate all of the support you all have given me over the years and I believe Robert will do his best to always do the right thing. He is an Eagle Scout as my son was and that takes the most serious determination to reach that level in Scouting. I believe Roberts achieving this monumental task will make mastering Franklins easy. Again thank you for the years of support and friendship. As my son would say "It was quite a ride".

Sincerely Greg Lucas
Hello Greg,
I'm sure sorry to hear about your son. We lost our son this last november, 18 years old, full of life and promise, so I know alittle about your pain and the very very hard process of learning how to go-on-in-life. For me, restoring my 14-13-2 has been a kind of therapy during these past difficult months, giving me something to do with my mind trying to figure out the idiosyncrocies of "Bellanca". Mine and my wifes prayers are with you and your family.
Thinking of you Greg, got a 6 y.o girl growing up and can just imagine the pain I'd go thru if I'd loose her. :cry:
My prayers go to you and loved one. Big hug from the 3 of us.
