fresh air intake issues


New member
Does any one have any tips and solutions on how to build some thing to keep the fresh air from blowing the insulation off of the inside of the cabin area down by your feet? I have a citabria 7 ECA 1974 O-235. I have the SNAPVENT® - MODEL A-2-100 They are the ones on each side of the fuselage down by the calf of my legs. I saw some one that had come up with a home made one that held the insulation down and it also would force the air to come straight into the cabin with out making the insulation to come undone. I just cant remember where I saw it. Thanks, Stan
on each side of your knees. I have the ones that you twist. SNAPVENT® - MODEL A-2-100. the opening foward is wide open and opening to the rear is off.