Fuel Feeding


New member

If you fly your plane out of trim (let's just say that you hold the ball one full ball diameter left or right of center for an hour or so) I think we all have seen unequal fuel feeding from the left or right tank. Is it possible to suffer fuel exhaustion if this condition continues, even with the non-feeding tank still relatively full ?

Jim Robins
N87VF - 2007 7GCBC
Basically, there are 4 total fuel pick-ups; 2 on the inboard side of each tank.
So, if you slip long enough, you will burn away all of one tank, and enough in the other tank to have the fuel 'sit' away from the pick up....in theory.

However, the tanks are 'flat' and with dihedral, I would expect you to be down to pretty much no fuel left before that would work. So, in reality its not real feasible to starve via that method.