fuel pressure again


New member
Was flyng the Cruisaire last night and noticed the fuel press. begin to fluctuate and drop again. Checked for fuel line leaks and found none so cleaned the fuel press. check valve again and that seemed to fix the problem. Used the plane today to get combine parts, about an hour flight, by the time I got to my destination the fuel press. was acting up again. Before I started for home I cleaned the valve again and the press. returned to normal. The check valve never seems to have much more than some fine black debri in it and I was wondering if an inline fuel filter in the return line just before the check valve would make any sence, or could the spring be getting week? Thanks, Richard
I'd sure check all your fuel line connections from the fuel panel to the carb. Sounds like a classic air leak to me. Dan
Hi Dan, seemed like an air leak to me also,as that was one of the problems the first time the fuel press. acted like like it was, but there was some small debrie in the check valve also. I didn't see any blue stains at any connections this time or any leaks when I used the wobble pump, so cleaned the valve and saw immediate improvement, though the problem returned after about one hour. I have always gotten a bit of black stuff out of the tanks when I sump them( thought it might be from the sending unit floats but the stuff sinks in the tester) am wondering if that stuff is causing the check valve to hang up a bit and lowering the fuel press. The fuel lines forward of the fire wall are new braided steel and fire covered. Richard
I don't know where you get your fuel. That 'black stuff' is probably coming from a disintegrating fuel hose from your fuel supplier. Make sure your gascolator and carb bowl pass on nothing but pure fuel.Make sure your fuel tank quick drains purge this stuff. Dan
Thanks Dan, going to clean gascolator and tanks and give the fuel lines another good look. Might have got some dirty fuel on the way back from OSH. Richard

Just fixed a problem on fluctuating fuel pressure. The gasket on the Manual Fuel Pump was leaking and needed replacement.
