Fuel pressure fluctuations


New member
Fuel pressure fluctuation problem, "needle looks like a very fast wiper blade engine running, steady with electric pump engine off"
Has anyone had a problem with fuel press fluctuation, 1979 150 hp 8KCAB. I have only owned the airplane since December, and it has been doing it since I picked up the plane. The previous owner and an his A&P thought it was a bad gage (maybe I should have passed on this one). I took it to my local A&P/ AI and he has changed the gage, changed engine driven pump (NEW), replaced the restrictor going into the gage. Absolutely no help! If you have been thru this and fixed it please let me know what you did to fix it.
Thank, dpeoples
Is the gague getting its readings from a transducer ?
If it is, this is a common failure in many aircraft, and will evidence itself as an errratic and fluctuating needle.
If not, can't help.

Jim Robins
Possibly air in the line? Bleeding it is cheap and wouldn't hurt.
