Fuel Pump

Aaron Burhoe

New member
Is there a time in service limit to the electric fuel pump on my 8KCAB? It is a original pump form 1979, I think it is the Weldon type.

Thanks Jerry.

My IA is telling me they have to be replaced every 10 years. My plane is in currently in for an annual, with a new (to me) shop. This sure doesn’t sit well with me that they are telling me to replace parts that are functioning just fine. We’ll see if the trend continues.

I've got this theory that they last longer if I don't use it very much. i.e. I no longer use it for take-off and landing.
Well, let me put it different.
ACA does not have an life limit imposed for them.

If Weldon does, then it has to be taken into account. If its an actual Weldon Airworthiness Limitation, then you have to obey. If its just a recommendation, then you are not forced to. Even so, it will likely be based more on time on the aircraft than straight years. Given the age of the part, I would bet money it does not have a Continued Airworthiness. Its sort of a real new thing and its sorta an old pump. :)
What it really boils down to is a legal thing. Like Jerry said a lot of the items have a "recommended" replacement time. That dosen't say they have to be replaced. The catch is if an accident was to occur and it go into court the mechanic would find the question being ask " why didn't you replace it" since it was recommended. Don't blame the mechanic totally. I'd talk to him straight about it and most will comply with what you want, just don't blame him if it goes out. What would you pay for a pump if it caused the "fan" to stop turning?
