Fuel Shut-off Problem


New member
i've discovered after some time now that my fuel shut-off valve has been the cause all along. i kept thinking of fuel starvation, flow problems, even carb. ice. some days it was just fine and others i couldn't keep it running on the ground no matter what i did. heat, mixture,etc. never a problem in flight though!
so after some investigation and testing of the fuel valve i realize there is a point a little bit too far on the 'fuel on' position that will shut the fuel off!! holy cow i didn't think that was possible. can someone please tell me this is so?? is there a hard point that it should stop at when the fuel is 'ON'?
This is not a great valve. I discovered at my first annual in 2008 that the valve was always on no matter what position it was in. ACA replaced it under warranty, but this may be a vendor issue for ACa to address.
Jim Robins
was yours a ball type valve?
i would like to replace this as well but need to attach that connecting rod to it. not sure what type will work with that.