Fuel Shutoff Valve Problem


New member
Hi all. I have a 1973 7GCBC. I can't turn the factory fuel shutoff valve anymore. It is stuck in the on position. The valve is VERY stiff. I disconnected the linkage and you can turn the valve with a pliers down at the valve, but barely. It's just very stiff.

I read a post from a few below concerning an 8GCBC. It mentions an Imperial shutoff valve and a rebuild kit.

Is this the same valve from my aircraft?

Is there any other tips on how to get my fuel valve working again? Apparently ACA doesn't sell my type of valve any longer.

Thank you.

I just had the fuel valve rebuilt on my 74 ECA. My Mech removed it from the AC and took it apart and replaced O rings and gaskets from generic stock he had(they are not available as a part number for the valve). The reason we did this was that it was leaking. Leak fixed and the valve now works smoothly when before it was very stiff.

He also discovered the aluminum fuel line into the block above the valve was leaking. He cut off 1/2" of the line and added a new flare and ferrell which fixed that leak.

I think you have the same "Imperial" fuel valve that we talked about in a thread a little way back. All the info to lubricate it is there.
Bill Becker
My 1969 7GCBC fuel cut-off valve was stuck and when I tried to force it, it started to weep so I knew I couldn't put off the re-build. After draining the fuel through the gascolator I proceeded to dis-assemble the valve.

Turns out there is only one O-ring inside the big nut that seals around the shaft that needed replacing (p/n AN62278-8 or MS28775-110 which has a 3/8” I.D. x 9/16” O.D. x 3/32” width)

I re-used the copper washer (it didn’t look like a crush washer to me) but if you were to buy a copper crush washer to replace it you would need p/n AN900-15 or MS35769-21 which is 1” I.D. x 1 ¼” O.D. x 3/32” thick.

Then I cleaned everything else up with Scotch-brite, lubed up the O-ring and tapered valve body with silicone grease (gotten from a dive shop or Amazon) and put it back together and now it works pretty darned good and doesn’t leak.

Now I just need to make a point to turn it every now and then so it doesn’t get stuck!

Valve photo:

Parts photo:
I'm not sure I'm using this forum correctly, but would appreciate any info on my question.
I own a "79 8GCBC Scout. The fuel shutoff valve is stuck "open".
I've ordered the replacement fuel shutoff from American Champion. On the phone their parts person mentioned that some owners have installed the replacement valve without doing any welding. Does anyone have any info/experience on installing the valve without welding?
Has anyone gotten "field approval" from the FAA?