Fuel STC


New member
i own a 7eca that is rated and able to run 80/87 fuel(so it says on the top of the wing). i believe that is from the older days when that was the fuel of choice. i do not have any STC for it to run AutoFuel but am considering it. i've checked both EAA and Peterson and can get one for a reasonable price. how many others are running AutoFuel in their planes?
I AM. Price of fuel now is crazy. the concern people tell me is just the fuel lines if they are made of rubber, and packings. I just put my plane in annual, and the first thing I did was check the lines, all metal from tank to gascolator. I'm going to drop the carb bowl to see if there is any evidence of degraded packings in there. I'm told that when packings designed for AVGAS contacts AUTOGAS they swell, and when placed back go to normal. I'm just checking for cracks or brittleness. If they are good, back they go. I'll let you know how it gos.
thanks for the reply. yeah, after reading lots on this from EAA and others... there is a lot more to it than just whether the engine and airframe are viable to support AutoFuel. i purchased my STC a little while ago but they forgot to give me my placards. so i'll be going to it soon.
what do you mean, packings?
keep me posted and i'll post up as well with my experience.

oh, what plane are you flying?
Sorry, Packing is the Army term for 0-rings. finished up the annual. took the carb apart, removed fuel lines, checked every inch, gasulator, and everything was perfect. about 100 hrs with auto last year.
Im flying a 66 7ECA with a lycoming 0-235. yes, there are things to check, which I had done last year by the IA that did the prepurchase and it complied without alteration.