fuel tanks for 1968 Citabrias


New member
Does anyone know where to get good, used tanks for older Citabrias? Mine is a 1968 7KCAB. The new tanks made by American Champion will not fit and no one seems to know where to find one that does. I need the left fuel tank. Anyone got any suggestions on where to look?
Colette Miller
Hey Collette,

I have a 68 7KCAB too! When my wings were apart we discussed the new tanks, and my mechanic said that Safe Air repair can get them. We did not replace them because they were in fine shape.

I can highly recomend the mechanic to you, it is PSA in Blue Earth
507-526-4086, the airport is KSBU.

I believe Safe Air is on this list. Paul at PSA may also know where there are salvaged tanks. he is pretty well known and liked for his work on the wood wing planes.

If you are ever in MN let me know I will be hangered at 21D
Collette, did you find a tank? I possibly have a set of tanks . I do not know how to tell the difference in old and new. They were in with the 8KCAB we bought. I know they do not fit a 8KCAB
