Gaggle to WCFI

Larry Lowenkron

New member
Dan Cullman and I talked about gaggling down to Columbia for the Fly In this year. Anyone else interested? It will be a really loose gaggle since Dan will fly his Cruisemaster and I will be flying my Cruisair. So...high wing, low wing...? We can figure out speeds and rendezvous, etc.
We'll be driving from the other side of the mountain, Redmond - the Cruisemaster is in about 3000 pieces. Looking forward to meeting you guys! Forrest
Brian B. is planning to come in his -3. Russell W. is a maybe...but he'll go a different way is he goes. We'll
probably stop in Creswell or Cottage Grove for petrol. If we give LL a head start, it might work out.
Weather permitting, we're heading down in the -3. Hopefully, it's a lot more like this weekend and a lot less like today...