Garmin 250 XL Transmitter Distortion


New member
I have a Garmin 250 XL in my 2001 8KCAB. Over the past year I've noticed that when the mike is keyed for more than about 5 seconds, the transmission becomes distorted, both in the side tone and when received by other pilots. After re-keying the mike, the transmission is again crystal clear for a few seconds followed by the same distortion. I've cleaned and reinstalled everything that I could think of from the transmit button in the stick to the antenna without improvement, but here's the really strange part: the problem only occurs when the engine is running. I had the radio inspected by a certified Garmin Shop and was told that the transmitter was fine. I tried a friend's GNC 250 XL in my airplane and it worked just fine. Mine worked in his, but at that time, it was only checked with the engine off. The radio shop suggested that possibly a capacitor in the electrical system that is used to buffer electrical noise from the engine might be the culprit. Has anyone had this kind of problem and where is the capacitor located? Any other suggestions? Thanks. Stu