Gas Guage Roulette - Capacitive Probes worth it ?


New member
14-13-2 150 franklin 12 v system

I have the old Stewart Warner 0-90 Ohm senders, and a 6 volt S.W. guage with a
dropping resisitor. ( read worn out crap).

Cutting to the chase.. my wiring is fine... the dropping resistor has changed value and
the max possible meter reading is 3/4. My left sender is shot. Right sender is ok.

I can :

1. replace the left sender and the dropping resistor for about $50.. and it will work as well as it
ever did ( are you laughing yet ? )

2. Go to a capacitive probe set up ( westach or falcon or ?? ) with two new senders and
a new guage... for $ 250- 350.

will I get the ballyhood " dead accurate" guage.. or just shucked of money ??
Brand ??
Advice from those who have made the switch would be much appreciated.
Hi Larry,
Unless you want to spend the $ for capacitance gauges, and go thru the hassle of a field approval, use your watch! My 2 cents.
well, I have a count down timer that give me the cumulative time on the tank in use.

So, "watch" method is implemented. And SOP in any plane I fly.

I suppose as long as nothing out of the ordinary happens this is my primary
method. I've never seen a guage yet I would trust my life to.

But man when things are getting cut close to the bone ( murphy) I'd sure like
something better. I suppose the real deal is a fuel flow transducer talking to a
micro-processor based meter.

I declare I am the long lost cousin of any significant lottery winners and sports super stars.

Ok.. Stewart Warner. :roll:
Just a little history. Guy Gibson the commander of the "Dam Buster Raid" was killed a year after in the British Mosquito. The WW2 wooden hot rod flown by the winner of the Victoria Cross ( British Medal of Honor). No, it wasn't the Luftwaffe that got him, it was fuel mis-management! :shock:
Lynn the crate
A little more off thread, but some coincidental history! Many years ago when I was sailing a small boat in the South Pacific I met the son of one of the engineers that worked on the Dam Busters project. His dad told him it was one of the best kept secretes of WW2. Of course there were many secretes in that war, but it was interesting to hear about it.__Small World____Grant.