Gear Strut Grease

Refer to the manual. The assembled gear should be about half way down - just so you can reach the filler plug on top. I use 20 or 30w motor oil. Put in 2-3cups of oil, working the strut to purge air. Now take out the lower plug and continue the previous processes. When oil starts to come out the lower plug, you're done. PS. now's the time to replace the packings and check the bushings for wear. New, they were only .002-.004 clearance.
I just use enought grease to insure the springs are well coated. Mostly because that seemed to be what was done when I replaced mine. I think a main purpose of the grease was to prevent corrosion.
Grease won't hurt a thing. The springs are immersed in oil sitting on the ground. I'd like to get a couple new spring sets-maybe I'll have them made.
I could use a set of springs for the early Crusair main gear if you know of a place that makes them.

Thanks for all the replys, Dan - yours must be different than mine, the springs are at the top of gear strut, no oil should get to them, if it does the -25 o-ring is bad, thanks again.

In the lower gear leg, there is a spacer and the spring sits on top of that. In the upper leg, there is a piston, which will ride on the spring while taxiing or at rest. If the correct amount of fluid is in the strut, the piston will plunge through a few inches of fluid before riding on the spring.
In the Cruisair, the spring is really in the middle of the shock system. If there is any oil in the strut, it gets a bath ever time you retract the gear.
If his is on top someone assembled it upside down. and they do not use grease just oil. When it comes to the gear in the Bellanca the only thing that has really changed is that they started using air around 73. I think I could take the siccors off my 47 and put them on my 74. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Guys,

My gear is not installed incorrectly, it is exactly as it should be reference Larry Williams site the spring is at the top of the assembly. My point is that the spring never sees any fluid if the oring is doing its job. I replaced the springs with new from the factory at 68.00 each. My old springs were 1/2" shorter than the new ones.

I have not had mine apart in 5 years but I belive my dampner has a hole in the middle that meters the oil as it goes up the gear. :lol: :lol:
OK boys, We are talking two different strut assemblies! Russ's info is for the Cruisemaster and 14-13-3 series only. The 14-9,-12, -13 and -13-2 series have the setup I described earlier.
If the springs have only lost 1/2 inch, it makes sense to shim them. I think in that range the elastic properties and ability to compress well will be very close to original. I suppose there is a point at which the shimming will not allow the springs to fully compress when retracting the gear and it will put stress on the retraction system or not permit retraction. Any thoughts from others??? Also still hoping everyone can test how much force is required to overcome the push of the little emergency gear deployment springs. This is easily tested at annual by pushing against the gear while holding a bathroom scale when the plane is on jacks (and the hydraulic gear switch is in any position but neutral. Someone reported having the opportunity to test the mechanism in a real world situation and his gear successfully dropped. I would hate to think that my springs only exert 50 pounds of pressure when 55 pounds are required to overcome air resistance at 60mph.
One of the most important items of maintenance for you folks with hydraulic gear is not only the strength of the overcenter springs-but the cleanliness and lubrication of the spring slide tube. No stiff old grease or corrosion allowed!!!!!!!!!!
I whole heartedly agree on this issue. I have also replaced the kickdown springs with new from the factory, the ones that I have removed are 1" shorter than the new units.


I also need a set of springs (seals too). Let me know if you can make this happen. Here's my e-mail: