Generator Removal Procedure


New member
I need to remove the generator from my 14-13-3 with a 165 Franklin.

Is there a special procedure? It looks as though there is not enough room between the engine and firewall to get it out.
It is tight, but it does come out and should be able to remove it without removing the mags. I think I may have had to remove my battery box (don't actually remember) and also my cowl flap control (field approved for my Cruisair). Just takes some giggling. Good luck.
Larry L

Were you able to figure out the secret of removing the Generator? I have the same configuration and problem.


I fussed an cussed and had to remove a mag. It was a 150 with a 25 amp gen. I dont know if the 15 amp gen would be easier or not. _____Grant.