Generator Trouble


New member
So....the generator was working after I put a new regulator on and flashed the field.

Just the other day it would only charge intermittently, then not at all.
Today I made sure all connections were tight, reflashed the field and clean the commutator. The brushes looked good.

Still no charging.

Where do I turn next? I really don't want to pull the generator unless I really need to as it looks like a bugger of a job.
Are you sure the new regulator is good? Sometimes "new" can fail right out of the box. All connections clean and snug? Bad fuse or circuit breaker?
While I recommend a certified shop, an option is to pull both the regulator and generator and take it to the local Bubba's Auto Electric. Have them bench check them together.
You might get a copy of a Delco-Remy service bulletin that covers trouble-shooting(Think one is 1R-186.)
Tom Robinson
If you need help in troubleshooting this problem, I would call Zeftronics 1-903-758-6661. These boys make a living out of fixing problems like yours on the phone. I know a good bit about power and electronics but these boys make me look like a rookie. Try them it costs you nothing. Lynn the crate :idea:
lynn's advice is good. V. regs and generators are best set up on a test bench with meters, loads, and the ability to spin the generator. Old time auto electric shops have this stuff.. but welcome to the throw-away world of ... :mrgreen:

there are ways to jumper around the regulator, to test the generator.
If you don't know how.. don't try.

stuck brush, open field coil, and bad V.reg all come to mind, as do generally
dubious connections.

Many people will NOT solder a connection in the engine compartment, because doing it wrong allows excess solder
to wick up the wire, rendering it stiff, and prone to break due to vibration yet : "Any crimped connection in an engine compartment which is not also soldered is suspect - IMHO." I know your engine and mine would never leak any oil.. so that can't be an issue :roll:
like to know what you find.

I have to pull mine to replace the gasket, and have a look at the seal at the front bearing
so, will obviously be looking at the whole enchilada. Mine works fine, and drips fine too.
With the engine running, if I manually hold down the power cut off switch in the relay (the one attached to the batt connection) the generator seems to generate. It will not stay connected unless held manually. I'm assuming that this means that my regulator is least that's what I'm hoping.
I lost my charging system a year ago this past Thanksgiving on the way home from Death Valley. This all happened while receiving flight following from Oakland Center. Thank goodness for the hand held radio. Anyway, after removing the Generator and taking it to the good old guy at the local generator shop, the Generator was working as designed with output of 26 AMPS. So I reinstalled the Generator and purchased a new regulator. Convinced I had the problem fixed, fired up the Franklin and about two minutes into the runup, the AMP guage reads discharge. Arrrgggg. Put a second Regulator in it and repeated the runup. The second lasted for about long enough to get half way down the runway and committed to go flying. Went for a short flight around the pattern and landed. Convinced I must have the wrong Regulator, went back to the Bellanca Big Box store and looked up the specs. It's the correct Regulator, with the correct Amperage range. Purchased a third one, installed it and repeated the process. That one is still in the airplane but will be replaced with a Zeftronics Regulator. I did learn some important things about these older Delco Remy Generator systems. You can find more information than you probably want to know at this web site.
Good luck and let us know what you find out.

Most of these auto part store regulators are made in Mexico or China. I've found them inop, right out
of the box, as well. Sometimes, if you look, you can find a NOS GM built regulator...Delco.