Harness installing in a 1975 7kcab??


New member
Hi this is my first post here,

My plane is going through total overhaul and seeing that the plane is "naked" (no cloth)I wanted to install Hooker harnesses. On that note do you guys know of any directions online or know where on the frame to fit them?

I ordered the aerobatic type harness. The seats are fitted with the standard 5- piont Pacific belts and also a single shoulder strap (expired in 1993), I have removed them all and am trying to fit the new ones.
Looking forward to flying my plane, the only 7KCAB in Iceland!!!!
And one of 4 Citabrias in the whole country...

Thanks in advance. Fredrik from Iceland.
While the airplane is uncovered, I would weld in the lugs and triangle truss reinforcement on the rear spar carry through. This is where the harness will attach. You can get the parts from ACA.
Jerry and VTS,

I have a question along the same line. I also want to add a 5 point harness when I recover next fall. Are there any "standard" items that you normally replace on a rebuild/recover? Any other good things to do while it's apart?

I recovered my plane about 2 years ago. I added the ACA baggage compartment, new style fuel valve, and electrical system revision (also cb's instead of fuses). The kits from ACA are really complete and very easy changes. If I were doing it today I would look at going to the aluminum gear.

Not to high-jack this thread, but what is the ACA baggage compartment, as I have a re-cover somewhere in my future?

Joe in MT.
Hi, My plane has not been in the best of care for the past 10 years, stored in an unheated and un-insulated hangar here in Iceland (not ideal here in Iceland for a semi wodden plane)

All the tubes and basically the whole frame was brushed down and repainted.

I had to remake all the wodden spars in the fuselage, cockpit floor, new wings are on order, new instrument panel, completely refurbished interior, all leather, not crappy Pleather like the original. New windows.

All new control wires, partial rewiring of electricity panel, navigation and strobe lights.

So its alot of work, but I could have done such much more!!

Best regards from Iceland, Fredrik