Hartzell propeller 14-19-2


New member
This fall my obsolete Hartzell BHC82VF-1DB is due for a AD-mandated overhaul. Although it's been hangered and has accumulated less than 100 hours, I'm fearfull of the hit I'm about to take. The last overhaul cost more than $7000 (previous owner). Do I have any options other than the Hartzell?

According to the TCDS, the McCauley 2A36C18 with 90M-12 blades are approved. I think that there is a McCauley C182 prop that has been approved either by field approval or STC. You might want to check the STC list at FAA.gov, or Robert at the club should have something. Good luck! Larry
Look for a McCauley 2A34C66 which has STC SA203GL. Hartzell never made a product that didn't have ADs. Get rid of it and save some money.The Cessna 180A uses the OPEC O-470K and McCauley prop good for field approval. Good Luck Lynn :shock:
I sent my Hartzell HC-A2VF-1 to Northwest Propeller in Puyallup WA for the !@#$%^ AD this year and paid $1600 including shipping back to MI.
Ralph's price of $1600 at NW. Propeller has been about the same price for years. I had an inspection done at least ten years ago and the price was $1500.
I am operating a 2A34C66 at this time...overhauled at NW Propeller. It was the standard propeller for the Cessna 180/182 for a long time and there are many still in use. I do have the original 2A36 prop that might be available if you want to go that way.
Thanks guys,

I had a talk with the local prop shop...they gave me an estimate of $2100, assuming no issues. The prop appears to be in pristine condition so I don't expect to run into any problems.... Given I'm 76 and unlikely to be flying at 81 it seems the most sensible way to go.

I suppose it's no coincidence that my Cruisemaster's Hartzell turned into a pumpkin this year too.
I was going to get a 2A36C18 McCaulley, the direct Bellanca approved, bolt on replacement.
Dan had me talk to Dick @ Northwest Propeller, and he made a bad face when I mentioned it, finally saying that the 2A36C18 was McCaulley's second attempt at a constant speed prop, and the 2A34C66 is much better.
He quoted me $6000 for prop & spinner, the proper round nose one, not the Madonna pointy version. The spinner alone is $1000.
I just called Weber's about that STC SA 203GL for a 2A34C66, Kevin told me it's $40.00 so I bought it over the phone, he said it will be mailed tomorrow!
So a year and a few months have passed...and I finally did get the McCaulley prop on 9800B. The test run went fine until I pulled the prop control; the engine RPM increased!
So back to the type certificate build sheet to check on governors.Yep, both the Hartzell and the McCaulley are listed as using the same governor. Odd I thought, as the Hartzell has counterweights, usually associated with increased governor pressure decreasing prop pitch. The McCaulley increases pitch with increased oil pressure. A bit of investigation and a trip to the governor shop confirms that this Woodward governor is re-configurable by removing 2 cover plugs and moving an internal plug from one port to the other.
This (of course) involves removal of the prop, the back plate, and the cowl nose bowl. I accomplished all this tonight. Reassembly presents a dilemma...should I split the cowl, as many have done to make future work in this area easier?
The cowl split provides much better access to the business end of the engine compartment - not just for prop removal. It's a bit of work to make it a clean modification. It might come down to a decision about originality. I've thought about it but decided to keep it one piece.
I reassembled 9800B without splitting the cowl, but I did mark it similar to the way you cut yours, Ralph.
Question: Can you remove both the top and bottom pieces with the prop & spinner still on?
Access to the governor and oil cooler is not possible with the lower nose bowl piece on.
Torquing the propeller would be much easier with the top piece removed.
While in there, I reset the governor high RPM stop setscrew. I have a photo tachometer, and the max RPM has been low, about 2550 RPM. Hopefully it is increased to the certified 2600RPM.
Yes, both parts will come off. The bottom needs some care to wiggle it out. I did not enjoy torqueing and safety wiring the prop with the cowl off, with it on sounds like the language might get bad.
I replaced the rocker cover gaskets on the left side this spring. Taking off the cowl made that a simple job.