Has anyone added a electric fuel pump to 0-435 lyc?


New member
I would like to add an electric fuel pump to my 14-19 with the lyc 0-435.I don't trust the wobble pump.If so where is the best place to add it in the fuel system?
Mark, my 14-19-2 has a Dukes electric fuel pump installed. There is no mention of this in the aircraft or engine logs. I do have the Dukes drawing on blueprint. I believe Webers installed the pump as they did the annual 18 yrs for the previous owner. I find there is no published STC for this but my pump works great. It is mounted on the lower left firewall in the engine compartment and parallels the wobble pump plumbing. The previous owner said he had a mechanical eng. pump failure over water and between working the wobble pump and fear had the electric pump installed. I also have a blueprint of a 14-19-3 instrument panel. These prints came with my Cruisemaster purchase with all the paper work., but the log books were horrible 4 books for 44 yrs! :x Lynn N9818B
hey mark!
N522A came to me with an electric fuel pump in place of the original wobble. there is no formal documentation for this change, but i suspect it's been on the airplane for a long time. there is a log book notation in 1976 about replacing the pump with a new unit, but thats all. the pump is a Bendix p/n 833-221. it is mounted on the lhs of the firewall about midway between and slightly outboard of the engine mount attach points. the system is plumbed in a "parallel" arrangement vs the original "series". although this results in a couple more hoses and check valves, my IA felt that it was a safer arrangement and that is should remain as is. the switch is just above where the original wobble was located. if you'd like to have pix, let me know and i'll try to gin up some for you.
hope this helps.
blue skies,
vic steelhammer & N522A