Headsets for Citabria


New member
Thanks to an ancient headset, my g/f and I transmitted our Citabria (there, on topic :) cockpit conversation to the world for an hour the other day. Needless to say, I'm looking for something different (headset not g/f). Has anyone used the Marv Golden Golden Eagle ANR headset (http://www.marvgolden.com/headsets/goldeneagleanr.htm)? I'm told they're actually a LightSpeed in MG clothing (built by LS, branded MG and serviced by LS). Nice thing is they're $235 versus $300 real-world for the equivalent LS (QFRXCc - list $379). Thoughts on other models are also appreciated. Thanks!

I have the xcc litespeed anr headsets. They are lightweight and very comfortable. Work great with mp3 player thru intercom or plugged directly into headset. But the problem I have noticed is when I turn my head to look out the side of the cockpit I get propeller noise. I think these particular headsets would be better in an airplane with more soundproofing or twin etc. I also have noticed this same thing happen in my F33a bonanza. I have not used the 3g or 20xl or any of the other lightspeeds so cannot comment on them. But if I were buying headsets again for the citabria or bonanza I would certainly try their other models.
I have a pair of Litespeed 20 3G ANR headset with the MP3/phone port in my Decathlon. They have been trouble free and worked great for 2 years now.
Stay tuned for further bulletins. I ordered the Marv Golden's. If I don't like 'em I'll send 'em back, and if they're mediocre I'll put em in the back seat. Thanks for the input!
