Heated Pitot Tube


New member
Does anyone know if there is an approved method for installing a heated pitot tube system in an older Citabria?

Call ACA, if they don't have a kit they should be able to sell you the parts and installation drawings. I have a factory Heated Pitot on my GCAA, it's a good installation.

We don't have one for the wood spar.

Its even tougher on the Citabrias since the pitot mast is on the jury strut. Moving it somewhere else will change your airspeed calibration.
Several Citabrias were approved for IFR in the 70s and 80s without the heated pitot. I don't know if that can be done with today's "we're here to help" friendlies.

Thanks for all the response. I had a chat with the nice lady at American Champion. They do have an approved heated pitot tube installation, but it is only approved for their metal spar wings. Univair says the same. It seems I am out of luck on this one.
If anything, Transport Canada is more conservative than your friends down south, so I don't see much hope on that horizon either.
All the best.