Here's a fun one....


New member
So I was looking at a derelict Viking awhile back, noticing similarities and differences between it and my Cruisemaster 260 and one thing caught my eye....
On the MLG scissors/"nutcracker", one part has a peg jutting out that contacts the main gear tube when the gear is at full extension.. I'm sure all the Bellancas have that... the difference is:
On the Viking it's on the bottom half, on my 260 it's on the upper half. Could be by design, could be one of us has theirs on upside down :)
Now, just for fun, I flipped one of mine over. Now at full extension it wont reach the MLG tube. So, I think mine were on correct. Maybe the Viking is supposed to be the other way? maybe his is on upside down?

so, where's YOUR peg? :)
Apparently I'm the only one who thinks it's fun :)

maybe if I had a orphaned taildragger with a Frank it would be more interesting here?

anyway, found a pic I took when I was doing due diligence during the pre-buy inspection:


wierd since in that position the peg cant get close enough to touch the tube...
What fun we have. I found a similar situation when I rigged the crate. The aileron stops were on backwards. Page 25 Fightbook top drawing. There was no way that the max control would hit the hard stop at 20 degrees. Reversing the stop screws solved that bad boy. On a side note I just changed my generator drive belt as it was at the tension limit. The new belt 539547-31.19 is cogged and the old belt was smooth. Same p/n but years between. OPEC 470, Oh what fun. Lynn the crate :?
Ok for more fun.... I've known for years the Cruisair had "the peg" on the lower torque link and it will hit the lower gear tube at max extension. I checked my Cruisemaster, 01B, and it's peg is on the lower link.
I checked Brian Barrett's -3 and his is on the lower link.
I'm not into Vikings, so Dan Torrey or the factory will be the authority on that.
And Dan answers the question for me before I could get to the airplane and look :).

I know the peg for the nose gear was on the bottom and definitely hits when the gear's hanging loose. I honestly couldn't remember a peg on the main gear... I know that on mine, the static retention cables are tight when the gear's hanging free, so I assume the peg isn't doing anything there... Interesting...
My landing gear overhaul journey is complete, plane can roll around on it's own wheels again. New bushings all-around, springs, cables, seals, paint, brakes, and tires.. Tail sits a good 3" taller.
In the end I put my pegs on the bottom too.
I started this trip because my right main gear refused to extend to full length when it was lowered. Wasn't dangerous but aside from not being the way it should, it made landings feel kinda weird - like I was in a crosswind. When I dissembled it I discovered it was totally devoid of grease and precious little fluid. O-ring was twisted, shaft scuffed, etc..
It's mo-betta now :)