High Altitude Flying

Jeff Nunan

New member
Good afternoon all,
I have a '99 7GCBC. This summer I may be flying from Fresno, California, over the Sierra Nevadas to Lone Pine. I anticipate the necessity to fly at 15,500 MSL. The service ceiling for 7GCBC is 17,000 MSL. I would leave very early a.m. to minimize effects of density altitude. Any opinions on whether this is safely within aircraft's capabilities? Has anyone else accomplished a similar flight? Thanks for you help.
Jeff Nunan
I have a 73 7GCBC and live in Colorado. I have had mine to 16000ft msl and had to actually push the nose over and stop the climb. The airplane will have no problem climbing to and cruizing at that alt. Just remember the Oxygen.
I had my GCAA up to 16500 on an early morning flight from Bishop to the Bay Area CA. It was late Septemeber and the Temps were pretty much standard with little wind. The airplane was new with about 50 hours on it. I had O2.
Jeff -
There are many, many options. Check out the SkyOx product lineup at http://www.skyox.com.
These systems are very popular and have been around for decades.
Jim Robins