Hooker harness


New member
I have a 76 7ECA and it has a hooker 5pt harness added by a previous owner (front only). The shoulder harness portion attaches at the center of the tube that is also the attach piont for the aft wing attach bolts. I remember seeing a post where Jerry of ACA cautioned against this configuration and instead recommended the harness be attached on both sides of the previously mentioned tube but I can't remember the reason other than spreading the load in the case of an emergency.
Yeah, if you crash, that tube is not the thick wall of the front attach carry through. So if you have the attachment in the center, it might fold up, thus not offering you the restraint you might need.

2 ways to take care of this.
1) Do what we do on new aircraft and weld in one of those little triangle trusses on the back side.
2) Attach each shoulder harness (left and right) closer to the sides of the frame (apart from each other). This will greatly reduce the bending moment on the carry-thru, should you crash.
Thanks Jerry, I always appreciate your input. I think I'll go for the outboard mounting as the headliner is still in and I'd rather not make another trip with the fuselage to the welder.