I own a 1973 7GCBC, 150 HP. A month after I bought the plane last year I installed a JPI EDM (Engine Data Monitoring) with a 4 cylinders heat probes, 4 exhaust heat probes, 1 oil temperature and 1 carburator air temperature. I love it. This instrument shows me that the number 3 cylinder (the one closest to the right rudder pedal) is always the hottest one. In fact it is so hot that in summer time (60-80 F) I take off, climb for 2 minutes and my no.3 is at 450F! When it is -20 F I can climb for 4 minutes. Climbing speed is around 75-80 MPH. Even in cruise I have to keep the RPM at 2300 max and the temp is around 425 F. I know a pilot with a 1973 7GCBC and he had to change his number 3 cylinder because of too much heat. My baffles are ok. Does someone has the same problem? Thanks.