hot running O-235 engine


New member
The lycoming O-235 engine in my 1965 Citabria 7ECA has no oil cooler or external filter. It has always run hot in the summer. I have recently had it overhauled (20 hours ago)--new baffles and cowling seals,-- and it runs hotter than ever.--- Head and oil temps at the red line and I occasionally have to reduce the power to let the temps come back away from the red lines. Has anyone had any experience with the ADC remote oil filters with cooling fins advertised in Aircraft Spruce?
My 74 7ECA had the same problem. We tried adding a remote oil filter, no help. We tried adding cooling fins to the oil filter, no help. We installed an oil cooler and now have no more problems.
My theory is that the cowling design was lousy to start with and did not allow enough flow through to properly cool the engine.
ACA will sell you all the parts neccessary to install a cooler and as the ACA 7ECAs are manufactured with a cooler all you will need is a logbook entry and a 337. I purchased a cooler elsewhere(the same cooler as ACA uses) for less money, and was able to use the same hoses that were used with the remote oil filter and purchased the new baffle from ACA. I don't remember exactly how much everything cost, but it was well worth it. We cover the cooler in the winter and uncover in summer. Where our oil temps were at the red line on a 90degree day, now they are right at 190 to 200.

I read Rons memo several weeks ago and the next day I bought the cooler and drawings from ACA and 3 days later I had oil temps in the 180's from 220. Buying the cooler is the ONLY way to go and ACA makes it legal.

Jeff from NH