Hydraulic Pressure Guage Fittings


New member
Hi all,
I just completed a very interesting scavenger hunt for fittings to fit the back of the hydraulic pressure guage in my 14-19-2. It was originally fitted with a bit of a Rube Goldberg connection set up that leaked. When I took it out and reviewed the existing fittings with the local Bellanca brian trust, it was quickly apparent that the wrong fittings were used with "o" rings and permatex inserted to fill the gaps. It took a while to figure out the right fittings and even longer for Aircraft Spruce to find them. Anyway, if you have a hydraulic pressure guage: MFRS PART NO. 10058-A, SPEC. NO. 94-27922, THE ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO., MOTOMETER GAGE EQUIP. DIV., LA CROSS, WIS., the fittings required for the back are an AN800-4 Union Cone and an AN805-4 Brass Nut. These fittings are still used in some oxygen supply systems...

Not a big, earth shaking annnouncement but at least it will be in the archives if anyone is interested.
