Hydraulic Pump & Power Pack


New member
Discovered external leak between top cap and body of 67B025 Stratopower hydraulic pump resulting in loss of oil of header reservoir- never without impact to performance of gear or flaps. Hyd press gauge on panel has been consistent at 1000psi and when I count gear up/ green lights (7secs) there has been no change in flow. The hyd pump and powerpack were overhauled in 2015. Except for external leak - system indicates working well with gear lever popping to neutral and flaps lever stays at last position. Forum history indicates powerpacks are mysterious, critical, and sensitive.

QUESTION: Is the pressure regulated in the powerpack, the pump, or inline? Sending the hyd pump in for service - would it be recommended to reduce the pressure on the pump? Any input or confirmation stratopower is configured at correct 1500psi rating is appreciated.

QUESTION: Banjo fitting was installed on discharge port of pump - critical to allow clearance from firewall for removal - otherwise an engine lift would have been required. Is this a normal rig up - does anyone have knowledge of manufacturer symbol in pic or source for a size -05 JIC to straight end "AN-DEK" fitting? What do others have as a rig up? see pics