Identifying a Super Decathlon to ATC


New member
What's the preferred way to identify a Super Decathlon (8KCAB) to ATC?

I am relatively new to the model, having just purchased one this summer. I regularly fly out of a Class C airport. When calling Clearance Delivery for the first few flights after I purchased the Decathlon, I identified it to ATC simply as a "Super Decathlon." That almost always drew a response of "say type again," so I began identifying it as "a Decathlon, type Bravo Lima 8." That still prompted requests from a few controllers for clarification so I began identifying it as "a Bellanca, type Bravo Lima 8."

The Bellanca name coupled with BL8 (or BL8/U) seems to satisfy most of the controllers, but from time to time one will still request confirmation of the aircraft type. Is there another description I should be using?

Adam Broome
N842CH (8KCAB)
This web site has a large listing of airplanes and associated ATC designators. It is found on the home page about 2/3's of the way down on the right side. It lists the Super Decathalon as a "BL8". Happy flying.

Greg B
Thanks, Greg. I've been describing it to ATC with the "BL8" designator but controllers somtimes still ask to reconfirm the type. Perhaps they simply don't see many BL8's.
Many controllers nowadays do not recognize the identifier, nor the airplanes because they are seldom in the ATC system. When identifying my Citabria as CH7B, I am often asked if I'm a helicopter!?

BL8 is a little strange anyway, because all other Champs and Citabrias are CH7nn (CH for Champion.) Again, the "experts" at the FAA probably use "BL" because they are on a Type Certificate originally issued to Bellanca Aircraft Corp, and have no clue that they are not even similar to the Bellanca line of low wings.
I must be doing something wrong I fly in class B and C quite abit.

I always call by saying American 12345 I always get quick service

Although they sometimes sound disappointed when they ask for type and I tell them 8GCBC

I enjoy the quick service and some of them are getting used to me I never use BL8