Jeff Nunan

New member
I have a '99 Citabria Explorer, 7GCBC. Any suggestions on what instruments I need to make it IFR? My budget allows about $6000. Any help would be appreciated.
Jeff :)
I am new to this forum and not sure what your response is saying. What is the best way, in addition to the heated pitot system, to get a VFR gcbc up to legal IFR standards?
Thanks, Jim
I am saying, buy that print for legal simplicity. :)
Look at vacuum driven DG and Attitude and get an Electric T&B.
Need a few placards swapped and the IFR flight manual as well.
I had a VFR only M4 Maule I converted to and IFR legal machine. I was told a heated pitot was not required. This of course limited the IFR capabilitiesof the aircraft. My feeling was that a Maule or 7GCBC without true instrument redundancy is limited simply by it's basic configuration. I found it was great in the summer for getting out of a fogged in airport, filing IFR in MVFR Eastern smog conditions, or for direct routing through controlled airspace on broken or high ceiling overcast days in the Northeast. With or without a heated pitot is was my opinion the aircraft did not belong in IFR conditions when icing was a sligh possibility.


PS This of course made currency requirements difficult.