

New member
We have a 14-13 we are working on and need info. We are a high school auto shop restoring this basketcase. If was donated to us through Build a Plane. We do have an A&P involved in our build but we ( the students and myself) need instructions, a repair manual, a parts break down manual, information. Where can we find this stuff, any help would be great!

Click on the Bellanca logo at the top of the page , then go to publications. But don't expect much in the way of service manuals.

What will be close to what we are working on if we can't find exact info, or is there nothing?
Gary,after you have purchased the rather slim literature that is available you might want to set aside a whole evening and look through this forum from oldest to newest. There is a huge amount of information(with not to much BS involved). As you get into the project you will probably have seen most of the problems mentioned on this forum. Assuming that you have a Franklin motor you might want to buy (in addition to the regular overhaul manual) the overhaul manual for the 6v335 helicopter motor.It has much better pictures and explanations than the regular manual. The motors are similar enough that much of the information is interchangeable. Also, announce where you are located and you may find that someone with a Cruisair near you will invite you to come over and look at a complete one or a work in progress. Good Luck_____Grant.
I will get started on that this weekend. We are in east central Indiana and we think we know where there is a 47 complete that we are going to look at soon as a feild trip. By the way ours was repowered in the late 50's to a lycoming and we have all the original paper work where it was redesigned and approved

Thanks Gary
I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio if you want to see mine. I am starting the annual now so it will be opened up.

Gary, I like donating to high school kids(I have a son in high school).I have a bunch of duplicates of the early Bellanca Club magazines that I would be glad to send to you if you would like. These are the pre Bellanca Champion Club Magazines. Also,be prepared for a shock when you price an overhaul for the prop that goes on the 0_435 Lycoming. You might want your A&P to start looking into getting approval for a fixed pitch prop on your project. The 0_435 has plenty of power,and a fixed pitch could save your school many thousands of dollars. Give me a call at 707-928-5538 (west coast time)_____Grant.____P.S. A varnished prop looks really good on a Cruisair.
When I restored mine basiclly all I used was the parts manual. It list all the nuts and bolts for everything on the plane and a picture that shows how it goes together. I am all for pictures. :lol: :lol: :lol:

where did you find a parts manual? With that and pictures that would help us a bunch!

Thanks gary
Hi Gary, I just mailed a whole binder full of news letters from the 1970s to you. I sent it book rate,so it will take a week or so. When you order the parts manual and owners manual from the club,you should order the Viking wing inspection paper work. The Viking wing A.D. doesnt apply to the Cruisair,but it should. The wings are so similar that the inspection procedures should apply to both. Keep my number handy, and when the students need parts I will help if I can______Grant
Grant, If you are talking about AD 76-08-04, wood structure inspection, this applies to virtually every type certified Bellanca, ever built - including the 14-13 series. Dan
Sorry guys, I must be blind or not up on the lingo yet. I don't find the AD 76-08-04. Looking at the club page I see: B-005 then do I want B-006?
Ours is a 1946, will the B-201 and B-211 be what we want there? What else would be of help to Newbies? Thanks for everybodys help so far.

Actually the AD for 14-13's is 76-20-07 for wood decay. Hopefully the following link will get you there:

Gary, Im sure the kids are going to have to do a partial or complete recovering job on the plane. I just remembered that the Polyfiber company used to have a video tape demonstrating their products, and they used a Bellanca wing (among others) as an example. There is usually a Polyfiber dealer advertising in the club news letter and they may send you a lot of information just for the asking. Did the old news letters ever arrive?______Grant.
They came last Friday, just started reading through them this morning. This is more fun to read than I would have guessed.
I will check on that video today
Thanks Gary

We are blasting the fuslage now, but rainy weather has put us behind where we wanted to be, hope we can finish that up next week.

Epoxy primer for the fusalage is what we planned, does color matter, what would have been original the color of the steel?
Gary and Grant, the Stits video that uses the Crusiair wing is the OLD Stits video. I don't think there is too much in the new Polyfiber video. Gary, let me know how your "pursuit" of the video progresses. I may have a lead. Will contact you off the forum.
Gary, another thought just passed through my foggy brain! Have you ordered the official FAA records for the plane yet? It is a simple process to FAX a request for airframe records and ownership records to___attn.correspondence ,FAA Records___ 405_954-8068 and just give them the N number, and your request, and an address to mail it to,and in 10 days or so, it will arrive with a bill for around 10 dollars ( unless the price has gone up since I last did this). This can give you a lot of information and will give you the whole history of ownership,which is sometimes very interesting. Good Luck____Grant.
Can order it online here.
