Inpsection Covers


New member
I keep losing the inpsection cover on the right wing, next to the fuselage, towards the back of the wing. Have redone the ring with a new one, but still lose em.

Trying to find the covers that have teh two crossing snap clips- but no joy with Spruce or Wag aero.

Anyone know where I might find em, or a fix for this problem?
I normally deal with the Cruisair/Cruisemaster spectrum. However, I have run into this problem with my Cruisair. The plate that covers the retract sprocket out on top of the wing, not only is in the prop blast zone but is in the extreme low pressure point of the wing. After sucking a couple of these plates off, I found that a #4 or #6 tapping screw only 1/4" long on the front of the inspection plate did the trick. Haven't lost any plates since.
Does that screw run up through the ring? How long does this arangement last before the fabric gets loose around the screw?

BTW, is that a PT-19 in the photo?
In my case, the screw goes in to wood structure. In an open bay structure like a Citabria or Champ the short screw would go only into the plastic ring.