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Hey guys I have been looking for insurance for my 49 14-13-3 and it has not been pleasurable. Just for on the ground and liability to cover the plane for $22,000 they all want $1400.00. Three companies won't wright this type of aircraft because it is a "high risk"airplane. Obviously they haven't flown one at all. For full coverage they want $2800.00, keep in mind I have about 700 hours tail wheel time and 150 in high performance planes. I don't want to fly with out at least liability but this is rediculous. My hanger mate just bought full coverage insurance for his 108 series Stinson for $1269.00 insuring it for $28,000. This just doesn't compute. What is anyone else doing?
I have liability insurance thrrough Facer. They booked through global aerospace . 47 14-13-2. cost is $557. a year with 1,000,000 combined sigle limit and Property with passanger at $100',000 Medical payments per person at $ 3,000. Minn Ins. 1500 tt 1000 taiwheel 175 high performance 700 complex 400 in type. No Vilations There # is 1-800-727-2147 ask for Nancy :lol: :lol:
Facer is who I have my insurance with and they are charging me more than that for in hanger and not inmotion liability. When my full coverage went sky high a couple of years ago I told them I wanted to drop my full coverage. I found out after two years all I have been getting is this not in motion liabilty. You can see why I was dissapointed. I have called every body and some won't consider insuring a Cruise air. Give me a call or email me off the board I talked to a guy whose dad previously owned your plane the other day. He showed interest in buying it of you are interested. Thanks for the info...
Boys, I found AOPA to be the cheapest for my Cruisemaster. They in turn got it thru Global Aerospace. I got full coverage at a reduced hull value for little over a grand a year, Avemco and others were sky high. Love that AOPA! :D LYNN N9818B
I have about 350 hours TT, with 8 in taildraggers, 40 retract, 27 high performance.

I sure have a bad feeling about this... :shock:
I have talked to AOPA and they won't insure Cruisairs! They would do go figure! I had that experience elsewhere too. One place would insure a '48 14-13-3, but not a '46 -2!!?? Sometimes I think insurance rates are like airline two people on the same route pay the same price! I am with Avemco and full coverage with 1 million liability and $30K hull (in flight) is over $1100. The good part of this is that when my gear collapsed two years ago, they were pretty easy to work with...though that just might have been the adjuster. So as far as my experience goes, I think their rates are competitive and I would recommend them. Larry
I just don't understand...the Cruisair and Cruisemaster are just about the same frickin' plane except for FWF and those huge roundy things at the end of the stab. For that matter, the Viking shares alot of it's lineage with the poor little Cruisair!

Insurance sucks :x

Medical insurance is going 'way up at our company this year and our flying club has just priced itself out of numerous members' budgets because of rate hikes associated with insurance.
oops, javascript:emoticon(':oops:')
javascript:emoticon(':oops:')I forgot, when I said that it was costing me $1100+/yr, that was with in motion, but not in flight, hull and one million liability, which I needed to land at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island.
Dave, if you ever do make sense out of insurance rates, let me know. I repeat, it is like airline tickets, no two are alike on the same plane. In fact...if you really want to have fun, the next time you fly commercially...and are stranded some where, ask the other folks what they paid for their tickets. If you really want to make it interesting, hold a pool for the highest and lowest fare paid for the same seats/destination. You can tell, I have spent too much time waiting around airports!javascript:emoticon(':shock:')
You know, one of the Viking web sites had an insurance survey, I wonder if that is worth doing for us?
It really gets good now, I found out my insurance company had a friend of mine listed as a pilot and he had no time in a Bellanca. If that wasn't good enough she told me that two different companies would insure a 14-13-2 but not a 14-13-3 figure that one out. She also told me hardly anyone is insuring new accounts on any low wing Bellanca. So you had better not let your insurance laps. She is trying to see if I can afford to get liability or not. I will post a reply when I get the info. Thanks for all of you interest and repies on the matter. I jsut hate when I feel like I amthe only one getting screwed. Greg