

New member
My insurance went up $141 dollars for the crate full coverage. The Spartan went up thousands. AOPA says that they all went up but my C172 pal went down $15 dollars. It does not pay to own a tailwheel, retract airplane. My other friend quite flying and months later he said "Where did all this money come from" . He couldn't believe how much that plane had cost him. Lynn the crate
I just recently checked into it and they wanted 1500. a year and to have 10 hours of time in one before they would insure me.
Who is the insurance company you guys have? I have U.S. Specialty... paying $1400 for $35K in hull coverage.
I have AOPA (Global Aerospace) paying $1702 for $46800 ground and flight. Started out in 2002 and they didn't know a -2 was a tailwheel. Took them a few years to learn that and I was paying about $900. I had over 500 hours in type when they asked if it was a taildragger and the price started climbing. Lynn the crate You don't need insurance until you need insurance. That what the Spartan owner says. Two Spartans have been wrecked in the past couple years. I can only dream what that would cost to fix. What he pays in insurance would buy a -2.
I pay the same as you for a YAK-55M aerobatic plane valued at $47,000. And I'm insured for aerobatic contests too.
Starr Insurance (this time) brokered thru Northwest Insurance Group, Teri Branstitre (503) 0640-6060.
I also insure my RV-8 thru Teri, but the carrier varies because she price shops them for me.
Thanks Lynn & Scott. From everything I have read insurance rates are on the rise. I'm working on an instrument rating - hoping that will give me some benefit with the underwriters.
Mine went down $266 when I had some time in type (apparently my Cruiseair time didn't help much) and another $400 when I finished my Instrument rating. Putting in better avionics increased the hull value and that got me back up some. for the last 3 years It has been going up about $75 every year after. $1528 for $50,000.