IO-470 Starter Question


New member
I'm doing some research on the subject but I wanted to ask here also.

I have a IO-470F on the front of my Cruisemaster 260, 14-19-3. The starter (while it works ok) is fairly weak feeling on cold starts, but it gets the job done with the right technique.

My question is has anyone tried any STC'd or aftermarket starters on their injected 470? Obviously I know there could be many different causes of the weak feeling starter, ranging from the natural high engine compression to the long battery leads from the tail of the aircraft. I'm not in the market for a new starter while this one works ok, but was curious if anyone else with the injected Continental had any experience with this.


Odds are it's the battery cable, the grounds at either end, or the battery itself. The starter motor is pretty robust.
Batteries are very effected by temperature.. if it's really cold, with that long distance cable resistance drop it's not surprising it would be a little slow.

Do you have the aluminum bar for the battery positive or has it been replaced with a good ol cable?
After my original starter died, I put a SkyTec C12ST3 in my 19-3. Works pretty well, but I bought the plane all copper which probably helps more. Don't think I'd change if what I had was working, but figured I'd gain a couple pounds of useful load when the old starter decided my bank account was getting too big.
I'm going to check the connections and cables before I do anything for sure. I've been busy with work and haven't had the time to go fiddle with it. I did look into the Skytec starters but once again, don't wanna drop money on something that might not be the source of the issue.

Thanks for the input guys, always appreciated!
There is a great article on this in Nov 14 Light Plane Maintenance. They go into it further Dec 14 for choices in lightweight starters. I just got asked to replace starter on Cherokee 235. O-540 they say Sky-Tek NL is a very good choice. The other choice Cont wise is B&C Specialty , Tempest and Hartzell.
Lynn the crate :!:
I had some time this afternoon to check up on the Bellanca. After pulling the top cowling it appears that the Skytec starter I was researching is already on the engine, and it looks like the battery is hooked up by cables (not the aluminum bar). So my plan of attack is next time I pull the cowling for an oil change I'll pull the battery too, clean all the connections, and see if that helps. It has to be that or just a weak battery. It holds a charge fine but it did sit for over a year and a half before I purchased it.
given the 100's of amps of starter current, even a fraction of an ohm of resistance can be the source
of considerable heat / voltage drop. crimped battery and starter connections can be NFG even when they look
"good" from a distance.

my sealed concorde battery is giving yeoman service and life, despite unplanned periods
of disuse.

a small "smart" charger which produces pulses that de-sulphate the plates in your battery,
and keep it floated at the correct voltage is well worth the price. Avoid anything that looks like
a wall-wart and costs $12.

Mine is a CTEK and cost about $70 retail. Selectable voltage and current.

Use a bulk charger for a really low battery, and then finish and maintain with the smart charger,
or buy a big smarty.

This is just general stuff... and all I know about it fits in a thimble.